Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma and her cricketer husband Virat Kohli, who were recently spotted jetting off to Alibaug, are all set to host a housewarming puja and party at their home. Several pictures and videos of the power couple leaving through a jetty from Mumbai's Gateway of India have been doing the rounds on social media platforms since the last few days.
On Wednesday (January 15), a video surfaced on Instagram in which Virat and Anushka's staff members are seen carry items required for puja. A priest can also be seen sitting on a ferry.
"Exciting preparations underway for Virat and Anushka’s housewarming at their stunning new home in Alibaug,' the caption of the post read.
On Monday, Anushka was spotted at Gateway of India as she returned from Alibaug. Few hours later, she was again seen at the same location, without Virat.
In August 2023, the couple started construction on the 8-acre land they purchased in 2022. Reportedly, the property is one of the scenic locations of Alibaug hills in Zirad. It is spread over around 20,000 sq. ft. It was earlier reported that the lavish farmhouse is being designed by architects Mazumdar Bravo.
According to media reports, Anushka and Virat spent nearly Rs 19.24 crore, as well as a deposit of Rs 1.15 crore to the government treasury. The transaction was completed by his brother Vikas Kohli and they had also deposited a stamp duty of Rs 3.35 lakh.
Besides Virat and Anushka, actor couple Deepika Padukone-Ranveer Singh and Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, along with his wife Gauri, also own properties in Alibaug.
Anushka and Virat tied the knot in December 2017 in Italy. They are one of the most loved celebrity couples. The duo was blessed with their first child, daughter Vamika, in 2021. In February 2024, they welcomed their second baby, a son.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Anushka will next be seen in the film Chakda ‘Xpress, which is based on the life of fast bowler and former captain of the Indian women’s cricket team, Jhulan Goswami. The film will release on an OTT platform, however, the release date is still awaited.