Iron deficiency can lead to a range of symptoms, as iron is essential for producing hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in the blood. Here are 6 common symptoms of iron deficiency
Brittle Nails and Hair Loss. Nails may become thin and break easily, while hair may fall out due to insufficient oxygen reaching these areas
Fatigue and Weakness. Low iron levels reduce the oxygen supply to tissues, causing persistent tiredness and lack of energy
Pale Skin. A noticeable pallor, especially in the face, inside of the eyelids, or nails, may indicate reduced hemoglobin levels
Frequent Headaches or Dizziness. Reduced oxygen flow to the brain can trigger headaches or a feeling of lightheadedness
Unusual Cravings (Pica). Craving non-food items like ice, dirt, or clay is a common symptom of severe iron deficiency
Cold Hands and Feet Poor blood circulation due to low iron can result in a feeling of coldness, especially in extremities