A woman surnamed Mishra shared a post on X that her father recently attended the Maha Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh and bathed at the Triveni Sangam. She revealed that he took the holy dip along with a photo of his late mother. Believing that bathing in the holy river during this auspicious period delivers one from sins and paves the way to the attainment of salvation (moksha), this man was seen dipping the photo of his deceased mother into it.
Check viral post below
Man visits Maha Kumbh Mela with deceased mother's photo
The post uploaded by Mishra and showing her father soaking himself in the Maha Kumbh Mela celebrations along with his mother's picture has gone viral on social media and left netizens in tears. Internet users were deeply touched by the man's heartwarming gesture, where he took a photo of his late mother to the Triveni Sangam - the confluence of three holy river: Ganga, Yamuna, and Saraswati.
Netizens react: "Aisa beta sabko mile"
"Dad has gone to Maha Kumbh. He did Mahasnaan holding photo of his mother (translated from Hindi)", Mishra wrote on X."This is what we call love right", she added while sharing a picture of the man from Prayagraj.
As netizens came across this scene, they reacted to it by calling the man "an ideal son". "Aisa beta sabko mile (May everyone have such a son)", they commented.
Netizens also shared the 'Teary-eyed' and 'heart' emojis after being touched by the incident. "Truly touching! The love and devotion in this image are so palpable", they wrote.