A video of four burqa-clad Bangladeshi women holding the fence and allegedly trying to jump into India has gone viral on social media. It records them standing at one end of the wired border while two Tripura girls were on the other. An Instagram user named Ranikasamgna Momo filmed the four ladies on camera and shared it online.

In the video, Momo was seen posing with the burqa-clad ladies and displaying the Korean finger heart gesture (Saranghae) and hand heart sign. She filmed the video with another Tripura girl, and the duo posed with victory sign and smiles from the India side.

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When they saw the Bangladeshi on the other side of the fence, they turned on their camera and created few reels for social media. One video showed the happy and free Indian girls smiling and standing in front of the burqa-clad ladies, while the other showed Momo showing a hand heart to them.

The reel that showed the two Tripura girls posing with the four women standing near the fence has gone viral across social media platforms.

Video goes viral

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Netizens widely circulated the video online claiming the incident was recorded from the India-Bangladesh border when the four ladies were trying to jump into India illegally. However, this viral claim hasn't been verified. It is unclear whether Momo was friends with the four people and simply creating a reel with them, or actually recording the visuals when of them wanting to illegally enter India.

Reacting to the viral reel shared by Momo, netizens reflected on the stark difference across the border. This reel, combined with news reports of other Bangladeshi women illegally entering India, made people point out that India is safe.

A look into fencing

Eagle-eyed Instagram users spotted how the women held the wired fence with bare hands. They commented on how unsafe and risky it was to not have electric fencing at international borders. "Fencing Has To Be Electrified With About 25k volts", one wrote. "Fact the Bangladesh border isn't fenced at all in many places. Need fully safe fencing", said another.

More news on India-Bangladesh border

International laws reportedly do not allow installing any infrastructure within 150 yards of the no-man's-land. Earlier this month, tension erupted between the Border Guard Bangladesh and Indian Border Security Force over building a barbed wire fence by the Indian force along Dahagram border-Angarpota.

A recent press release by the Ministry of External Affairs, read, "India reiterated its commitment to ensuring a crime-free border by effectively addressing the challenges of cross-border criminal activities, smuggling, movement of criminals and trafficking. Barbed wire fencing, border lighting, installation of technical devices and cattle fences are measures for securing the border".