The second day of the Pongal festival, Surya Pongal, often referred to as Thai Pongal, holds the greatest importance among the festivities. This day is set aside for the veneration of the Sun God, Surya, who is honored as the embodiment of life and vitality.

On this day, worshippers rise early and perform a holy bath, signaling the start of the Tamil month of Thai. The day is packed with rituals and ceremonies, as individuals come together to honor Surya and show their appreciation for the sun's blessings.

The main event of the day is the making of the classic Pongal dish, which consists of rice, lentils, and spices. The meal is prepared in a clay vessel and presented to Surya as a sign of gratitude. The pot's overflow is thought to represent the wealth and prosperity that the sun provides to the lives of individuals.

As the day unfolds, families come together to enjoy meals, swap gifts, and participate in traditional games and activities. The ambience is brimming with happiness, chuckles, and a feeling of togetherness, as individuals unite to honor the importance of the sun in their existence. Surya Pongal is a day of respect, thankfulness, and festivity, signifying the start of a fresh cycle of life and abundance.