A shocking incident took place in Pune where an autorickshaw driver from Mumbai stabbed his wife in a hotel and later tried to kill himself, police said on Tuesday. The incident took place at Gravity Inn in Baner at 8:30am on Monday, they added.
According to the police, the autorickshaw driver has been identified as Amjad Yusuf Mulla (39), a resident of Vishnu Nagar, Chembur. He and his wife Nasima had come to Pune two days ago and were staying in Gravity Inn in Baner.
On Monday morning, a dispute arose between the two over some financial matter. In a fit of rage, Amjad stabbed Nasima in the right hand and chest with a knife. Later, Amjad tried to die by suicide by stabbing himself in the neck and stomach with the same knife. Hearing Nasima's screams, the hotel staff rushed to the room. Seeing both of them lying in a pool of blood, they informed the police. Currently, both are under treatment at a hospital.
Due to serious injuries to the two, police have yet to determine the cause. They have registered a case of attempted murder based on the hotel manager's report.
Mahesh Bolkotgi, Senior Police Inspector, Baner Police Station, speaking to The Free Press Journal said, "After getting a call from the hotel manager, we reached the spot and shifted them to Jupiter Hospital. Both of them are under treatment. Once they can speak, we will record their statements."