Actor Jaideep Ahlawat gained wider recognition after his role as RAW Agent Manav Chaudhary in the 2018 film Raazi, which featured Alia Bhatt, Vicky Kaushal, Rajit Kapur, and Shishir Sharma in lead roles. Recently, he revealed that despite getting praise for his performance, he did not receive work opportunities immediately following the film's success.

In a roundtable discussion with Hollywood Reporter India, Jaideep said, "A time comes when you need to do something and you get a good role. It gets out with people liking it but you still don’t have work. After Raazi, I didn’t have work. And you are like, ‘what went wrong?’ Everybody is praising it. Everybody is talking about the role."

Further, the actor shared that after starring in Raazi, he started receiving repetitive roles, with scripts often typecasting him as an IB (Intelligence Bureau) or RAW (Research and Analysis Wing) officer, which he did not want to do.

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Just like Raazi, he faced similar challenges after Paatal Lok, where he was only getting offers to play the role of a cop. "Heights were like (when people told me) ‘sir, it’s a mixture of Paatal Lok and Mirzapur (Another hit Amazon Prime Video show).’ (I was like) ‘What? Yeh kya hai? (What is this?)’ But then everybody wants that thing," added the actor.

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He stated that actors, who are part of a particular society or friend group, often start to think alike, which can influence their choices "If there are four-five people going to the gym, everybody will follow that. If four of them are doing theatre, everybody follows them. So, they don’t see themselves as a unique personality, most of the time. Everybody is scared, and everybody is trying to do that will make them famous. It becomes important for many to look like an actor in this city. I see so many boys who roam around in the city wearing gel in their hair all the time," concluded Jaideep.

Currently, Jaideep is gearing up for the release of Paatal Lok 2, which will premiere on January 17 on Amazon Prime Video.