Actress Rupali Ganguly, who is now a household name, thanks to her daily soap Anupamaa, opened up on not being able to crack her way into Bollywood, and being considered a "failure" by people. She, however, stated that it was her conscious choice to stay away from films.

According to a report in Pinkvilla, Rupali hinted at the casting couch practices prevalent in the showbiz several years ago, and stated that it was the reason why she stepped back. "I didn’t do well in films, and that was a choice I made because predominantly casting couch existed in the industry at that point of time. Maybe some people didn’t come across it, but people like me did, and I decided not to make that choice. So, you are considered a failure because you come from a film family," she said.

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Rupali went on to say that while she felt 'small' earlier, things changed after she came on board Anupamaa. "Thanks to Anupamaa, I feel very proud. The show gave me the stature that I always dreamt of. It has been a life-changing experience," she gushed.

Anupamaa, the story of a housewife who sets out to make a name for herself, commenced in 2020, and the show has been topping the TRP charts ever since. Rupali plays the titular role in the show and she has now become one of the highest-paid actresses in the small screen industry.

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For those unversed, Rupali is the daughter of Anil Ganguly, a late director and screenwriter, and her brother Vijay Ganguly is a choreographer.

Besides Anupamaa, she is famously known for playing Monisha Sarabhai in the cult sitcom Sarabhai vs Sarabhai.