A 39-year-old man disguised himself as a woman to steal a classic race bike, a Suzuki TL1000R. The thief who has been identified cosplayer Sakura Victoria posted an image of the classy motorbike on X, which was spotted by fans and followers. As the cosplayer flaunted the stolen bike on social media, he came under the scanner of eagle-eyes netizens.

Sakura shared the photo of a bike, which another X user mentioned got stolen recently, on New Year's Eve. The picture raised suspicion in the minds of netizens because of the bike model being a very rare one. It was learned that the bike was discontinued by the manufactures and was worth million yen if it ever rolled out in the second-hand automobile market.

Internet sleuths discovered the cosplayer flaunting the bike and the exact one which was stolen. This led to the arrest of the thief.

According a report in The Star, friends of an X user identified as Nyan Koya 85 widely circulated the message among their circles that Nyan's bike was missing and rather stolen. They shared images of the bike, which later matched with the cosplayer's clicks, to find the stolen vehicle.

It was with the help of social media that the thief was found and arrest, following the return of the rare bike to its owner.

Vehicle found, thief arrested

On January 1, the owner expressed gratitude to netizens for tracking down Sakura's post and reporting it. "Thanks to those who helped spread the word and those who provided information, we will be able to welcome the new year in a good mood", he wrote while mentioning that his much-loved vehicle is back home.

"The vehicle was found today, and the man who owned it was arrested", he wrote.