Former Team India all-rounder and head coach Ravi Shastri was clicked with his iconic and beloved Audi 100 recently. He received this car 40 years ago as an award for his performance in the 1985 Benson & Hedges World Championship of Cricket. The former all-rounder and India coach used his X account to share images of the car.
He wrote, “India's @AudiIN – my baby after 25 years! Thrilled to drive it at the Raymond Auto Fest, thanks to @SinghaniaGautam 's incredible initiative to restore #India's vintage gems,”. In the series of photos, Shastri was seen posing with the vintage Audi and seen signing it.
The car was refurbished and put on show for the Raymond 100 Autofest car show in Thane, organised by Gautam Singhania and his Super Car Club Garage, commemorating the centenary of the Raymond group.
The car had it's own iconic picture with Team India players sitting on the hood, on the trunk, and even on top the car with Shastri droving it around the Melbourne Cricket Ground outfield in celebration after India beat Pakistan in the final.
Shastri concluded the tweet stating, “Unbelievable how it still shines like it did 40 years ago when India won it,”
About Raymond 100 Autofest Car Show
Gautam Singhania’s Super Car Club Garage (SCCG) having been responsible for the restoration of the cars. Singhania, has run the garage as an enthusiast of luxury vehicles since 2020. The three-day Raymond 100 Autofest Car Show event in Thane saw over 500 luxury automobiles, including cars, motorcycles, and more, under one roof in what is being touted as the biggest auto show of its kind ever in India.