Bollywood star Hrithik Roshan has clocked 25 years in the industry and the actor surprised his fans on Tuesday morning by sharing photos of his personal handwritten notes which he scribbled 27 years ago. Counting his blessings for the love that he has received since his debut film, Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai, the actor penned a heartfelt note for everyone who has been a part of his journey.
Hrithik took to his X handle in the early hours of Tuesday and took a trip down memory lane as he shared photos of the pages from his notebook in which he had scribbled everything from acting lessons to motivational messages to tidbits about Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai.
"One life, that's it - only one life, one chance, don't f**k it up -- don't give a sh*t about small failures, little mistakes. Just keep going - don't break - don't give a sh*t! Do it the way you want it! Cause that's the best way! One day, just believe! (sic)," a page from his notebook read.
In the other pages, a young Hrithik also wrote about how he must build his body, focus on his walk, and not get conscious if he stammered while delivering a dialogue.
Along with the photos of the notes, Hrithik wrote, "My notes from 27 years ago. Prepping as an ACTOR for my first movie Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai, I remember how nervous I was. Still am when starting a movie. I’d be embarrassed sharing these, but after 25 years of being in the industry I guess I can handle it (sic)."
He went on to say, "Then to now, what’s changed? I see these pages and realise - absolutely nothing. Good thing? Bad thing? It’s just how it is. Only process remains. So much to be thankful for. So much to be grateful for. So much left to do (sic)."
"It’s the 25th anniversary of Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai. And the ONLY thing I want to celebrate are these scribbles in my rough book. Only thing I am relieved about is the proof of resilience. The first page says 'one day' at the bottom. No such day happened, it never came. Or maybe it did but I missed it cause I was in prep (sic)," the actor concluded.
Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai is still hailed as one of the biggest debuts for an actor. The film, which released on January 14, 2000, starred Hrithik and Ameesha Patel, and it was declared a blockbuster on the first day itself. To mark its 25th anniversary and Hrithik's 25 years in the industry, the film has been re-released in theatres in India and fans of the cult movie have been queueing up outside cinema halls to relive the magic.