Mahakumbh Nagar, January 13: On Paush Purnima Snan, the first ‘Snan Parv’ of Mahakumbh 2025, the Yogi government arranged a grand flower shower from a helicopter for devotees gathered to take a holy dip at the Sangam on Monday. Rose petals were showered on devotees bathing at all ghats and akhadas.
The mesmerizing sight of rose petals raining down filled the devotees with joy and devotion, prompting them to chant "Jai Shri Ram" in unison.
Under the directives of the Yogi government, the Horticulture Department had been meticulously preparing for flower showers on devotees during the bathing festivals of the Mahakumbh Mela. Special arrangements were made to procure rose petals for this purpose, ensuring a grand display of devotion and celebration.
For each bathing festival, around 20 quintals of rose petals are planned to be showered. On Monday, during the first bathing festival, Paush Purnima Snan, devotees were greeted with a stunning flower shower, adding to the spiritual fervor of the occasion.
While helicopters showered flowers on devotees participating in the Mahakumbh bathing festival, robust security measures were simultaneously in place to ensure a smooth and safe event. Security agencies, stationed across the fairgrounds, kept a vigilant eye on the occasion through aerial surveillance.
Senior police and administrative officers remained actively involved, continuously monitoring the arrangements to maintain order and ensure the well-being of the devotees.