Bollywood filmmaker Vivek Agnihotri raised concerns about digital payment scams, cautioning his followers about the "evil side of technology." On Monday (January 12), the director took to his official X account to react to a news about scammers targeting traders in Khajuraho by replacing QR codes outside shops overnight to redirect payments.

Expressing concern over growing menace of digital fraud and the vulnerability of even small traders to such tech-savvy schemes, Vivek wrote in his post, "The evil side of technology. Be careful. I know at least a dozen people who have been scammed."

On Monday, it was reported that digital scammers in Madhya Pradesh's Khajuraho have devised a new tactic, replacing legitimate QR codes at approximately 12 shops and a petrol pump with fake ones to divert customer payments.

Within 72 hours of the fraud being uncovered, authorities arrested one suspect, identified through CCTV footage. The traders, unaware of these malicious swaps, have suffered financial losses, leaving them in shock.

Meanwhile, digital transactions, particularly through UPI (Unified Payments Interface), have seen a massive rise in India. However, with convenience comes risk, as scammers find innovative ways to exploit the system.

Vivek is quite active on social media and he often voices his concern on various social and political issues.

Meanwhile, on the work front, Vivek is gearing up for the release of The Delhi Files. The project will release in two parts and the first part, titled Bengal Chapter, is slated to release in 2025. The film will be produced by Abhishek Agarwal through his banner Abhishek Agarwal Arts alongside Agnihotri's wife Pallavi Joshi.

Vivek's last directorial was The Vaccine War, which released in 2023. It starred Nana Patekar, Pallavi Joshi, Raima Sen, Anupam Kher, Girija Oak, Nivedita Bhattacharya.