Indian actor Mridul Das reached out to the Mumbai Police on Monday and sought help after he claimed that some local goons were threatening his mother for feeding stray dogs. He also stated that several dogs and other stray animals have gone missing from the locality.
Das took to his X handle to approach Mumbai Police. He wrote, "Respected sir, a group of local gangsters has been threatening my mom and attacking the stray dogs she feeds. Today, they warned her not to leave the house, and their actions have escalated. They are reportedly involved in alcohol and drugs, which makes the situation even more concerning."
He went on to say, "My mother lives alone, and while I try to be there for her, I am often away for work. We have no other family nearby, and the situation is becoming unmanageable. Many of the animals she has cared for, including dogs and cats (over 30 in total), have gone missing, and the rest are in danger."
"While the building residents stand in solidarity, they are too afraid to take any action. I humbly request your intervention in this matter to ensure my mother's safety and protect the animals who cannot defend themselves," he added.
"Thank you for your time and understanding. Your assistance would mean the world to us in this dire situation," the actor concluded.
After his post went viral, the Mumbai Police responded to him from their official X handle and promised swift action.
For those unversed, Mridul Das has featured in a number of commercials, before getting his big break as the antagonist in Ken Ghosh's film, State: Of Siege: Temple Attack.
He also shared the screen with Irrfan Khan in the 2018 film, Blackmail.