Bollywood actress Alaya F, daughter of Pooja Bedi, resides in a 1,200-square-foot home in Mumbai’s northern suburbs, which she refers to as her 'hustle home'
Alaya F shared with Architectural Digest that her aesthetic is "pretty neutral, white, and bright." Despite this preference, her interior designer had to ensure that every corner of her house was suitable for shooting content
Alaya F added plants in the balcony and wallpaper in every room, to add colour to her aesthetic apartment
Alaya F has a special wall in her home showcasing her achievements and personal touches that features all her trophies, a few frames with her intricate pen drawings, and memoirs of her grandparents
Alaya F's glam room features aesthetic backdrops that are perfect for her Instagram photoshoots. This space is where she spends much of her time documenting her life on social media, creating reels, capturing pre-party glam shots, and taking selfies
Alaya F's three-bedroom apartment is located on the 9th floor of a newly constructed building in Mumbai’s northern suburbs, where she first began to consider moving out of her family home three years ago
A pendant lamp from White Teak is featured in the centre of the living room. Alaya F revealed that she also a projector screen in addition for a TV for movies nights in her bedroom
"I don’t think I could live anywhere else—except perhaps in New York. They are similar in terms of the hustle culture they have. That’s the energy of this home—to keep moving. This is the home that I’m in to work hard, so I can build towards my dream home," Alaya F
Alaya F also revealed that there is a tiny staircase next to the bed and a bowl of water by the kitchen door that belongs to her furry friend MJ who is the reason for the choice of colour palette