The Anti-Narcotics Cell of Pune Police arrested a man involved in the illegal sale of drugs across the city. The crime came to light on Friday in the Bharati Vidyapeeth Police Station jurisdiction when the Anti-Narcotics Cell laid a trap and detained the suspect. The arrested accused has been identified as Arun Ashok Arora (50, a resident of Pritam Heights Mangdewadi, Katraj).
According to the police, their team was on its regular patrolling. Meanwhile, constable Yogesh Mandhre got a tip-off about the accused Arora. Acting on the tip-off, assistant police inspector Nitin Kumar Nayak and his team from the Anti-Narcotics Cell laid a trap in the Bharati Vidyapeeth area and arrested Arora.
The police said they recovered 2.14 kg of charas and 1.79 kg of ganja along with other valuables worth Rs 43.87 lakh from Arora.
Regarding the matter, a case has been registered at the Bharati Vidyapeeth Police Station under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act.