The Maha Kumbh Mela, the largest religious gathering in the world, started on Monday in Prayagraj district of Uttar Pradesh, where a massive number of devotees took a holy dip in the Ganga river during the first 'Shahi Snan' of Pauh Purnima.
Images from the temple town of Prayagraj depicted devotees gathering at various ghats throughout the city and immersing themselves at the Triveni Sangam, where the Ganga, Yamuna, and the legendary Saraswati rivers merge, to cleanse their sins and achieve salvation (moksha).
According to government statistics, up to 60 lakh devotees bathed in the Triveni Sangam at 8 am on Monday.
The 45-day Maha Kumbh, taking place after 144 years, commenced at the meeting point of the Ganga, Yamuna, and the enigmatic Saraswati rivers, with more than 45 crore devotees anticipated to attend the event.
Individuals from India and various parts of the globe have begun to arrive in Prayagraj to immerse themselves in the waters of the Triveni Sangam.
Singh stated that officials from both the central and state governments are collaborating to ensure that Maha Kumbh is a successful event and provides a pleasing experience for the devotees.
The government has partnered with important tourism partners such as IRCTC and ITDC to provide various "tailored tour packages and high-end lodging choices."
The ITDC has established 80 upscale lodgings at the tent city in Prayagraj, and the IRCTC is additionally offering luxury tents to host the arriving pilgrims and visitors.
Many people from foreign countries have participated in the shahi snan and Maha Kumbh festival.