Television actress Roopal Tyagi, best known for her role as Gunjan in the popular serial Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke, revealed that she escaped the devastating Los Angeles wildfires during her stay in the United States, where she had been for a few months for travel and educational courses. While wildfires in LA are normal given the dry weather, Roopal stated that no one expected it to be so severe.
"I remember seeing the smoke from my flight and wondering what was happening. By the time I landed in Mumbai, I got to know how the fire spread and burnt everything. It's heartbreaking to see the visuals," Roopal told India Today.
The actress stated that before taking her flight back home, she drove along the same road to visit the Hollywood sign, which has now suffered massive damage due to the fire. "Imagine a happy city burning down in a day, this is unbelievable. Life is so unpredictable, and I think this strengthens the thought of living each day fully. We never know what's going to happen the next day. I really hope the people who suffered manage to build their lives again soon," she added.
Roopal further expressed that she is completely shaken by the incident but feels blessed to have left Los Angeles in time.
"I brought back souvenirs as a means to remember my wonderful time in Los Angeles. But now, every time I look at it, I feel a sense of pain. Luckily for me, all my friends are in the safe zone, but I have been worried about them. While I feel blessed to have left in time, there is also a guilt of not being with my friends during this crisis. It's so disturbing to see nature's wrath, I am completely shaken," she concluded.