Bollywood actress Sonakshi Sinha lost her cool at the shutterbugs as she attended an event in Mumbai on Saturday night with husband Zaheer Iqbal. In a video that has now gone viral, the Lootera actress can be seen scolding the paparazzi and asking them to let her move around freely.
In a video shared by Glamsham, Sonakshi can be seen making her way inside the venue as she attended a glamorous gala in Mumbai on Saturday. However, the paps were seen following her throughout and while she tried to remain composed, at one point, she lost her calm.
"Guys, bas karo! Ho gaya, ho gaya!" an irritated Sonakshi was seen telling the paps as they mobbed her. She then asked them to allow her to move out, before joining husband Zaheer at the venue.
Sonakshi exuded boss lady vibes in a black tube top and matching pants, and she added an extra oomph to the look with a shimmery black blazer. Zaheer twinned with the actress and was seen holding her close as they exited the venue together.
Sonakshi and Zaheer got married on June 23 in an intimate ceremony in the presence of their close friends and family members. "On this very day, seven years back (23.06.2017) in each others eyes, we saw love in its purest form and decided to hold on to it. Today that love has guided us through all the challenges and triumphs… leading up to this moment… where with the blessings of both our families and both our gods… we are now man and wife," the couple wrote as they shared their wedding photos on Instagram.
On the work front, Sonakshi was last seen in the horror-comedy Kakuda, which also starred Riteish Deshmukh.