Actress Jheel Mehta, best known for playing the role of Sonu Bhide in the popular sitcom Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah, revealed that one particular segment of the show had left her traumatised. The actress stated that she even questioned her decision to be a part of the show at one point.
During an interview with Siddhesh Lokare, Jheel said that it was the famous 'Tapu Ki Shaadi' sequence which left her traumatised. "I was wondering why am I even doing this show. They are showing child marriage! It was a very traumatising experience for me," she said.
She went on to say, "I am not sure what I was thinking. When I saw the show, I realised it was a dream sequence. I was questioning my life decisions. It was weird, humorous, and crazy in my head."
For those unversed, Jheel was the 'first' Sonu of the show, as she played the character ever since TMKOC went on air in 2008, until 2012, when finally decided to quit.
Jheel was replaced by Nidhi Bhanushali from 2012 to 2019, followed by Palak Sindhwani stepping into the shoes of Sonu from 2019 to 2014.
In October, Palak quit TMKOC, citing "inhuman treatment" by the makers. She accused them of harassment and said that she was denied medical leave even after multiple requests.
"The production house brushed aside her health and other concerns and instead asked her to work with passion, and forced her to perform scenes on that very same day. As a result, on September 14, 2024, Palak suffered a panic attack on set, of which she informed the production team, who also did not pay any heed to her deteriorating health," a statement by her team read.