A special event, ‘Swarnim Bharat Gyan Kumbh 2025,’ organized by the Brahma Kumaris, was held in the Kumbh Mela area of Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. Bharat Express CMD and Editor in Chief, Upendrra Rai along with Deputy Chief Minister of UP, Brajesh Pathak graced the occasion with their presence. The event featured several unique highlights aimed at enriching the experience of the devotees attending the Mahakumbh. The Brahma Kumaris sisters welcomed the dignitaries with a ceremonial scarf.
In his address, CMD Upendrra Rai emphasized the unparalleled tolerance and inclusivity of Sanatan Dharma. He remarked, “No religion on earth has been as liberal and accepting as Hinduism. We never executed anyone nor did we stone anyone. Even when we faced discontent or disagreements, we embraced and respected others, showing agreement in the face of differences.”
Highlighting historical examples, he added, “Shankaracharya, despite being a strong critic of Buddha, wrote about him in a way unmatched by any other adversary. This exemplifies the broad-mindedness of our tradition.”
All Religions Are Part of Sanatan Dharma
Speaking about the antiquity of Sanatan Dharma, Mr. Rai said, “Sanatan Dharma is approximately 11,000 years old. Numerous religions like Buddhism, Jainism, and others emerged from this sacred land of India. Sanatan Dharma uniquely speaks of Moksha. This depth and wisdom have been possible due to the time and profundity Sanatan Dharma has had, which no other religion has experienced. When studied deeply, all religions are seen as extensions of Sanatan Dharma.” Concluding his address with a poetic expression, he said, “Sar par topi, gale mein cross, maathay par tilak lagati hai, Prayag mein siyasat bhi sangam nahati hai.”
The event highlighted the inclusivity and spiritual depth of Sanatan Dharma and brought together diverse perspectives in the vibrant atmosphere of the Mahakumbh. Bharat Express CMD Upendrra Rai’s words resonated with the audience, underscoring the unifying power of Indian spirituality and culture.
(Disclaimer: This is a syndicated feed. The article is not edited by the FPJ editorial team.)