Mumbai: The special NIA court rejected the plea of Surendra Pundlik Gadling, an accused in the Elgar Parishad case, seeking permission to walk in the open space outside his barrack, citing security concerns raised by the prison authorities.
Gadling had moved a plea before the special NIA court seeking direction to allow him to take a walk every day from 7.00am to 8.00am and from 4.30pm to 05:30pm, within the jail campus but outside the circle. He further said that he is suffering from various ailments.
There is sufficient space to walk around outside the circle and it is his human right of life and liberty to keep his health in good condition by taking all the precautions, Gadling contended. Along with his plea, Gadling had attached two print outs of the Google map screen grabs for layout of the prison.
On his plea, Superintendent, Taloja Prison filed objections saying there is sufficient space inside the circle to walk, do exercise and have natural air and light. Other inmates in the prison use the same open premises inside the circle. Besides, the prison authorities have also objected to Google image of the prison attached by Gadling.
The court, after considering the plea and the objections of the prison authorities, observed, “The present applicant/accused is kept in barrack No. 8, Circle No 1, where according to the jail authority concerned, natural air and light are available for all the purposes contended by the applicant/ accused. Further, safety and security aspects are also contended by the jail authority in its say, which can not be neglected.”
Further on the images of the prison the court said, "accused has attached two photographs obtained from Google map, which according to the jail authority concerned, is a breach of confidentiality and such things are usually done by terrorists and anti national elements."