Mumbai: Alert customs officials of the elite Air Intelligence Unit (AIU) at Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport (CSMIA), Mumbai made a remarkable seizure of 1.257 kg gold provisionally valued at Rs 91.43 lakh, 30.360 kgs narcotics of Rs 30 crore and foreign currency equivalent to Rs 17.46 Lakh in different cases and arrested six international flyers on Friday night.

A passenger arriving from Ras Al-Khaimah and two passengers arriving from Bangkok were intercepted by the customs officers on arrival at Mumbai airport and searched leading to seizure of 24 KT Crude Gold Dust in Wax and 24 KT Crude Gold Chains with total net weight of 1.257 Kg provisionally valued at Rs 91.43 lakh concealed inside the body cavity of the passenger as well as concealed inside socks and shoes worn by the passengers.

In the second case, three passengers arriving from Bangkok were intercepted by the customs and 11.918 kg of suspected hydroponic weed (marijuana) with an illicit market value of approximately Rs 12 crores was seized concealed in double-layered transparent plastic packets kept inside trolley bags carried by the suspects.

Another set of two passengers arriving from Bangkok were intercepted with 18.442 kg of suspected hydroponic weed (Marijuana) with an illicit market value of Rs 18.5 crores concealed in double layered transparent plastic packets kept inside trolley bags. All five were arrested for drug smuggling.

The same night two passengers departing from Mumbai to Dubai were held trying to smuggled undeclared and Foreign Currency of 20,000 20,000 equivalent to Rs 17.46 lakh.