A few years ago, Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan visited Ajmer Sharif Dargah during the Indian Premier League (IPL) in Rajasthan, and the situation turned chaotic when fans discovered his presence. Yusuf Ibrahim, the go-to security consultant for several Bollywood stars called it a "difficult" experience, recalling how the actor was pushed by fans from the Dargah back to his car.

Speaking to Siddharth Kannan, Yusuf said, "During the IPL, Shah Rukh sir wanted to go to Ajmer Sharif dargah. We reached there and the day we selected was wrong, a Friday, and the time was also not right, at 12:30, ekdum peak namaaz ka time. At any given time if you go there on Friday, there will be 10-15K people."

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He added that when Shah Rukh visited, the entire town of Ajmer was aware of his trip to the Dargah. "There was so much public, that we were literally standing there, logon ne humko dhakka maarke dargah legaye and dhakka maarke apne aap gaadi mai laake baitha diya," he added.

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Talking about Khan's reaction, Yusuf shared that despite the difficult experience, Shah Rukh remained calm, understanding that neither the staff nor his fans were at fault. "Police had to do lathicharge to disperse them from there. There was so much madness. It was a lifetime experience for me. When such situations happen, he is damn cool about it. Shah Rukh is damn cool when such situations happen, he knows that it’s not anyone’s fault – neither staff nor fans."

"It’s just the excitement of his fans, so everyone knows this is what happens. The temperament is always cool, nice and easy going," he said.

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