Operational revenue increased 36 per cent year over year to Rs 1,698 crore, and the quarter's net profit increased 27 per cent year over year to Rs 426 crore. As non-fossil fuel capacity rose to 200 GW, meeting its 2030 target of 500 GW, the renewable energy sector saw significant growth.

In terms of operations, interest income increased 36 per cent YoY to Rs 1,698 crore, while operating income increased 51 per cent YoY to Rs 652 crore for Q3 FY25 from Rs 432 crore.

Net profit Q3

The state-run renewable energy financier clocked a 26.8 per cent year-on-year rise in its net profit for the December quarter. Profit climbed to Rs 425.4 crore in Q3 compared to Rs 335.5 crore in the same period last year.

Gross and Net NPA

The asset quality further improved, with GNPA at 2.68 per cent compared to 2.90 per cent in the same quarter last year. Likewise, the net non-performing asset (NPA) increased from 1.52 per cent in Q3 FY24 to 1.50 per cent in Q3 FY25.

Loan book for 9 months

The loan book for the nine months that ended in December increased from Rs 50,580 crore to Rs 68,960 crore compared to the same period last year.

However, the cost of borrowings stabilized at 7.68 per cent from 7.82 per cent during the same period last year, and the net interest margins for the quarter improved to 3.33 per cent from 3.20 per cent.

IREDA loan disburstment

Ireda's loan disbursements for the December quarter increased from Rs 12,220 crore to Rs 17,236 crore, a 41 per cent year-over-year increase. Ireda's outstanding loan book at the end of Q3 FY25 was Rs 69,000 crore, up 36 per cent from Rs 50,580 crore the previous year.

Total operational cost

Compared to Rs 867.06 crore in the same period last year, the company's total expenses for the third quarter of the fiscal year 2024–25 increased by 33.8 per cent to Rs 1,160.78 crore.

The debt-to-equity ratio for Ireda is 5.89 times, down from 5.13 times the year before.