A video of Traveling Ticket Examiner (TTE) and a train attendant on the Amritsar-Katihar Express assaulting a passenger went viral and led to the suspension of the two rail officials. Identified as Rajesh Kumar and Vikram Chauhan, the TTE and the coach attendant engaged in consuming alcohol with passenger Sheikh Tazuddin inside the moving train. Under the influence of alcohol, Kumar and Chauhan along with another coach attendant named Sonu Mahato thrashed Sheikh by hitting him with a belt and kicking him.
Police case registered
A report by NDTV shared an update regarding the 15708 Amrapali Express train case and mentioned police action was administered. It stated the railway cops reached the spot and made the drunk passenger deboard the train.
TTE was taken into custody, while coach attendant Chauhan was not found on the train. The police registered a case against the three railway officials.
3 rail officials suspended
The Indian Railways suspended TTE Rajesh Kumar and asked him to report to the divisional headquarters in Lucknow, according to the report. Meanwhile, sources told the news outlet that the train attendants have also been suspended.
Viral video of passenger being thrashed on Amritsar-Katihar Express
The viral video initially showed Kumar sitting on the passenger and Chauhan charging him a belt. Later, both of them were seen stamping their boots at Sheikh. The fight broke out moments after Chauhan joined Sheikh's alcohol party when the man allegedly tried to attack the TTE.
Visuals from the incident went viral across social media platforms, demanding railway authorities to address the matter and take necessary action.