On Thursday evening, Zerodha Co-Founder Nikhil Kamath revealed he recently interviewed Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He released the trailer of the upcoming podcast episode with PM Modi, which attracted a wide range of reactions on the internet. From other popular podcasters to netizens on X, many people reacted to the big announcement made by the Indian entrepreneur.
X users flooded the social media platform with memes and other reactions.
When other podcasters like Prakhar Gupta learned about Kamath doing a show with none other than the nation's prime minister, they couldn't resist themselves from reacting to it. Gupta took note of the teaser released by Kamath and called him a "Big fish" for sharing the screen with PM Modi.
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Gupta posted about a mandatory drinking session after learning the news of his competition getting on a podcast with the very notable figure. Tagging his friends and fellow content creators Raj Shamani and Ranveer Allahbadia (Beer Biceps), he wrote, "Where are we drinking tonight?". Soon, he shared a GIF suggesting they drank until 2 AM.
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The social media site also saw a rush of memes, where people tried to hint at the situation these other podcasters who hadn't so far managed to interview PM Modi.
X users triggered a meme fest pointing out that Kamath achieved what most other podcasters couldn't so far. Taking a jibe on video creators like Raj Shamani, Ranveer Allahbadia and Prakhar Gupta, who could get PM Modi as a guest, they shared memes and more hilarious reactions.
On a larger note, netizens expressed they were excited to check out the upcoming podcast hosted by Nikhil Kamath where PM Modi was the guest.