Muzaffarnagar, January 9: In a shocking incident, a young man caused trouble for women and girls with his reckless behaviour in Purkazi town of Uttar Pradesh's Muzaffarnagar. The accused, identified as Akil, son of Ali Mohammad, had been harassing women and school girls by performing dangerous stunts on his bike and making inappropriate comments against them.

A video of the accused performing dangerous stunts on his bike in front of school girls surfaced on social media. The police swung into action after the video went viral on social media and arrested the accused.

Panic Among Women & Girls

His shameful acts created a sense of fear among women and minor girls, especially those living in Muskan Colony. Many women and girls stopped going out for morning walks or to school due to the fear that the accused might harass or even assault them in the middle of the road. Despite being troubled, they avoided filing official complaints against the accused because of fear.

Stunt Caught On CCTV

The entire incident came to light when Akil’s actions were captured on CCTV cameras installed in the Purkazi area. The accused is seen riding his bike at high speed in a zig zag pattern in the middle of the road while few school girls are trying to cross the road. He is seen wearing a black jacket and performing the stunts in front of the school girls, risking the lives of other pedestrians in the viral video.

Accused Arrested

After reviewing the footage and receiving complaints, the police took swift action. Akil was arrested and his bike, which he used for performing stunts, was confiscated. The police assured the public that the police are fully committed to ensuring the safety of women and girls in the area.

Police Action

The police commented on the viral video and said, "In the related case, Purkazi Police Station has registered a case under relevant sections and further legal action has been taken". However, instead of registering a case of harassment, the police charged Akil with disturbing public peace and issued a challan.