A Thar being driven on a road crowded with students hit a student and mowed down an electric pole. The vehicle struggled to make its way through the scattered rush of coaching class students when it ran over the leg of one student and hit an electric pole on the roadside. The incident reportedly occurred in the Piprali area of Sikar in Rajasthan.

The entire incident was recorded on a nearby CCTV camera. Visuals from it have now surfaced online.

Visuals surface

Thar hits a student, mows down electric pole

A Thar registered with the number plate "HR 26 FQ 6796" resulted in the mishap. It ran over the leg of a boy named Ankit, according to reports, who was walking on the street along with his friend. Ankit was soon taken to the hospital for treatment of his injury.

Meanwhile, the driver of the four wheeler also hit a roadside electric pole. After hitting Ankit, the driver reversed the vehicle and tried to pass through the roadside, but the attempt ended up mowing down the electric down dramatically. It was learned that the incident cut off the area's electricity supply for eight long hours.

Police action follows

Coaching institute director Virendra Dhaka lodged a report at the Udyog Nagar police station in Sikar taking note of one of his students being injured during the accident.

The cops are reportedly in search of the absconding driver and looking forward to seizing the Thar.

No power supply for 8 hours

Local people were quoted in news reports that the collision of the vehicle with the electric police disrupted the power supply for 8 hours. The line was made functional again after intimating the electricity department about the incident. On receiving information about the electric pole being hit and mowed down by a Thar, the employee of the electricity department reached the spot and resumed the supply after hours of work.