Bollywood actress and dancer Nora Fatehi recently shared that she and her team were asked to vacate their hotel due to the Los Angeles wildfires. Presumably in the USA for work, Nora took to her Instagram stories on Thursday (January 9) to share a glimpse of the wildfire and recount her experience with fans and followers.

In the video, Nora is heard saying, "I am in LA and the wildfires are crazy. I have never seen anything like that. This is insane, we just got an evacuation order five minutes ago. So I quickly packed all my stuff and I am evacuating out of here. I am gonna go near the airport and chill there because I have a flight today and I really hope I can catch it."

She added, "I hope it doesn't get cancelled because this s**t is scary. I am going to keep you guys updated. I hope people are safe, I have never seen anything before like this."

Take a look at Nora's video here