In an unusual incident, several aspiring candidates for GATE 2025 have reportedly received emails from the administration of IIT Roorkee with a greeting line which was quite unusual and unprofessional: "Dear IDLI CHUTNEY NO SAMBHAR."

GATE 2025 fiasco - Someone has played a dirty game in Database or server end
byu/7rulycool inindia

When the incident came into the limelight, a candidate shared a screenshot of the email on Reddit suggesting that someone had tampered with the database or server. The user posted as follows: "GATE 2025 fiasco- Someone has played a dirty game in Database or server end,.

The strange email, which has received much attention concerning possible security incidents at the institution, has sparked even more discussions because some of the applicants confirmed receipt of the same unusual greetings, while other applicants reported not getting any such notice, suggesting a possible limited application.

One of the user took to X and tagged IIT Roorkee and Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu and wrote, "@iitroorkee @CMOTamilnadu IIT Roorkee team called me idly chutney no sambhar idk how to react but this is racist."

"I got the same," a user said while another commented, "Same here I got the same mail with idly chutney no sambar".

The incident has created mixed reactions among the online community. While some users felt concerned about a possible security breach, others took it lightly, one of them posting, "Why hate Sambhar? Best part of the breakfast."

byu/7rulycool from discussion

However, several candidates have raised serious concerns about the professional standards of the institution. "Whoever did this has put IITR name to shame. They could use 'user' or 'candidate' in the template. This is not okay to play with prod servers like this and there should be repercussions," wrote one concerned user.

byu/7rulycool from discussion