Indore (Madhya Pradesh): A staggering 1,35,000 people visited the city zoo in just 10 days starting December 28, 2024, generating a record-breaking revenue of over Rs 30 lakh, claimed general administration department in-charge Nandkishore Pahadiya on Wednesday. This milestone underscores the zoo's growing popularity and its promising journey toward self-sustainability.

Officials expressed satisfaction that the zoo's income will soon surpass its expenses, ensuring it remains a self-reliant institution. In a meeting led by Pahadiya and attended by additional commissioner Manoj Chaurasia and zoo superintendent Uttam Yadav on Wednesday, several developmental plans were outlined. These include constructing a new boundary wall, reviving non-functional CCTV cameras, and improving enclosures, rebuilding the elephant enclosure's leaning boundary wall and others. This initiative will not only enrich the zoo's biodiversity but also attract more visitors, said Pahadiya.

Upcoming attractions

To add to the infrastructure and make a visit to the zoon even more appealing for visitors preparations are underway for a 14D theatre and jungle safari, with a groundbreaking ceremony expected soon.

As part of the zoo’s expansion, several new animals are set to join, including one bison, three dancing bears -1 male, 2 females (Tamed bears used for entertainment), three white blackbucks (1 male, 2 females), and three barking deer (1 male, 2 females). Meanwhile, a pair of lions, a white peacock, and a vulture will be sent to other zoos as part of the exchange programme.

Postmaster general adopts wolf and peacock

In a heartening gesture, postmaster general Indore division Priti Agarwal adopted two animals—a white peacock and a wolf—and contributed Rs 20,000.

Expectations from new additions in zoo

With the upcoming additions, the zoo’s income is expected to rise significantly, solidifying its position as a premier wildlife destination. The zoo officials and incharge are positive about the upcoming additions and said that it will help the zoo in generating good revenue and making its operations more smooth.