Narmadapuram (Madhya Pradesh): A villager walked up to the weekly public hearing being held at the collectorate on Tuesday. There was nothing unusual in it, though. Yet, the complaint he put up before collector Sonia Meena who was presiding over the public hearing stunned everyone present there. His complaint was that his wife occupied his house and threw him out of it.

A resident from Mundimata area in Itarsi, Narmada Prasad Kahar, complained to Meena that his wife, Deepika Kahar, usurped his house by force and threw him out of it. In the complaint, Narmada Prasad said his wife had also threatened him with dire consequences. Seventy-one complaints came up for hearing. 

Another person Golu Saini has complained against a private school where his children are studying. In the complaint, Saini said that the school management was asking for exorbitant fees, and his children were deprived of the right to take examinations for his failure to pay such a huge fee.

According to Saini, his children are asked to sit on the floor outside the classroom. A resident of Bhatti village in Kaisla, Seema Verma, said that there were many illegal breweries in the village. Liquor is manufactured and sold there without any rules and regulations, she said. Verma appealed to the officials to stop this practice. 

Brijpal Singh Thakur, a resident of Gochi village Karaunda village in Itarsi, submitted an application saying that land owned by him was registered in the government revenue records, but he was yet to receive any compensation for it.

A resident of Narmadapuram, Harpeet, complained that his mother had an account in a nationalised bank, but a cyber fraud had withdrawn money from it, but no action was taken by the authorities. Similarly, a resident of Narmadapuram, Savitri Ahirwar, said some goons had beaten up her son whose hand was broken. 

She submitted an application seeking action against the culprits. Meena heard the applications and directed the officials concerned to solve the public grievances. Chief executive officer of the district Panchayat, SS Rawat, additional collector DK Singh, deputy collector Babita Rathore and other officers were present at the public hearing.