Thane: The Manpada police arrested two individuals for allegedly attempting to sell the tusk of an elephant in Dombivli. The accused have been identified as Akash Pawar, 28, and Nitin Dhamane, 26, who are residents of the Dawadi area located in Dombivli East.

Police said that they received information about two individuals who would be coming to the MIDC area in Dombivli. Thereafter, they alerted a senior police officer about it. They formed a team and laid a trap, apprehending them. Upon checking them, they found two tusk of an elephant.

The police said that they seized two tusks of an elephant, a motorcycle, and two mobile phones worth Rs 10 lakh. A case was filed against them under the sections of the Wildlife Protection Act. The accused were produced in court and remanded to police custody for further investigation.