Television actress Hina Khan, who is currently battling stage 3 breast cancer, will make a stunning appearance as a special guest in the upcoming episode of the dance show India's Best Dancer vs Super Dancer. In a new promo, she was asked about how she learned of her diagnosis, with Geeta Kapur calling Khan's journey 'inspirational.
The promo began with Geeta asking Hina about the particular moment that triggered a shift in her mindset, leading her to decide to take charge of her illness. Hina said, "The night I learned about it. My partner (Rocky Jaiswal) came home and my doctor didn't call me. He (Rocky) said, 'There's malignancy, and the report is positive.'"
Check out the promo:
Further, Hina shared that before Rocky arrived at her residence, she had asked her brother to get 'Falooda' for her. "Somewhere, it clicked to me that if there is a dessert that has arrived at home, then everything will be nice; take it positively," she added.
In 2024, Hina featured in Google's list of the top 10 most searched actors in the world in 2024. However, she expressed disappointment because the attention was on her cancer diagnosis rather than her professional achievements.
She wrote, "I see a lot of people putting up stories and congratulating me on this new development. But honestly, for me, it's neither an achievement nor something to be proud of. I wish and pray that no one should be googled because of their diagnosis or health-related hardships."
"I have always appreciated people's genuine regard and respect for my journey in these testing times but I would rather be googled or known or acknowledged for my work or achievements. Just like I have been before and during my diagnosis," she added.