Mahakumbh Nagar, January 8: The Mahakumbh Police is consistently working towards ensuring the grand, safe, and successful conduct of Mahakumbh-2025, along with preparedness to handle any emergency situation effectively. Following the directives of Deputy Inspector General of Police Vaibhav Krishna, IPS, a mock drill was conducted at 2:00 am in the Thana Akhara Mahakumbh Mela area to assess and enhance emergency response readiness.

The mock drill involved activating alarms to address various emergency scenarios, practicing evacuation procedures, and training on the effective use of fire safety equipment.

The primary objective of the drill was to prepare devotees for prompt and appropriate action during emergencies while providing hands-on experience in operating fire safety equipment and coordinating with fire personnel for safe rescue operations.

Deputy Inspector General of Police/Senior Superintendent of Police, along with other gazetted officers and personnel, were present during the exercise.