Malayalam actress Honey Rose thanked Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan and Kerala Police hours after the arrest of businessman Boby Chemmanur against whom she had filed a sexual harassment complaint. On January 5, Honey Rose accused the man of stalking her and making sexually inappropriate remarks, which she claimed outraged her modesty.
Soon after the news of Chemmanur's arrest surfaced, Honey Rose took to her official Instagram account and wrote, "Thank you, thank you, thank you. In this era, no knife or gun is needed to destroy a person; a barrage of vile, obscene, and abusive comments from social media profiles, coupled with a planned campaign, is enough. If social media bullying has a leader, its impact intensifies. It was impossible to remain silent."
Thanking the authorities, she mentioned in her statement, "I am deeply grateful to Kerala Chief Minister Shri Pinarayi Vijayan and the Kerala Police for their strong assurance and actions in supporting my fight for the rights and protection promised to every citizen by the Indian Constitution. My heartfelt thanks to them on behalf of myself and my family."
Boby Chemmanur's arrest
The businessman was taken into custody from Wayanad on Wednesday (January 8) by a Special Investigation Team investigating the sexual harassment case.
Chemmanur was booked under non-bailable sections following Honey Rose's complaint. According to media reports, the actress accused Chemmanur of making "sexually coloured" remarks against her multiple times.
In one of her social media posts, the actress had also stated that the man had initially invited her to a programme as a guest, an invitation she had accepted. She alleged that after she declined subsequent invitations, the person began insulting her as a form of retaliation.
Honey Rose is known for her roles in Malayalam, Tamil and Telugu films.