Balika Vadhu actress Pratyusha Banerjee's ex-boyfriend Rahul Raj Singh, who was accused in connection with her death after she committed suicide in her rented apartment in Goregaon West on April 1, 2016, recently stated that Pratyusha's close friend, actress Kamya Panjabi pushed her into drinking, a situation he was not comfortable with.

Appearing on Subhojit Ghosh's podcast, years after Pratyusha's death, Rahul stated that Kamya and Vikas Gupta falsely accused him of murdering Pratyusha. "They claimed that Pratyusha had no financial burden, she wasn’t out of work. Vikas Gupta did not offer work to Pratyusha ever but made such statements," Rahul said.

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Rahul also alleged that Kamya had borrowed Rs 2.5 lakh from Pratyusha and failed to repay it. He shared that Pratyusha introduced her to Kamya at a party, where Kamya was high. He added, "Pratyusha had given some money to Kamya around Rs 2 – Rs 2.5 lakh and she asked Kamya to return it. Kamya said she has no work and promised to return later."

He also accused Kamya of pushing Pratyusha into drinking, revealing that they drank a lot. Rahul shared that he always wanted Pratyusha to stop drinking, a request she was aware of, which led her to stop attending parties with her friends. "That’s why I became a villain for them. They thought I was taking away Pratyusha from them. Kamya used to party a lot, everyone knows," concluded Rahul.