Mumbai: Following the tragic bus accident in the busy SG Barve Road area of Kurla, several videos have circulated on social media showing BEST bus drivers purchasing alcohol from a store and then entering the bus. This has raised concerns about the prevalence of drinking and driving amongst contract-based BEST drivers, contributing to such incidents in the city.
In a recent video shared on X (previously Twitter) by Raj Maji (@Rajmajiofficial), a BEST driver, appearing to be intoxicated, purchased a bottle of liquor from a wine store and walked to the nearby parked BEST bus. The individuals who filmed the video of the BEST bus driver prevented him from boarding the bus and requested that he undergo a medical clearance test. They also took the bus conductor into account.
In another video, a noticeably drunk BEST bus driver confessed to being drunk to an officer who was inquiring about an almost empty bottle of liquor discovered on the bus. Attempting to convince the officer that the bottle did not belong to him, the bus driver claimed he had completed his drink beforehand. The officer is seen schooling the bus driver about being under the influence while on duty and for operating the BEST bus in an intoxicated state, which could endanger both himself and the passengers. The cop is later seen reaching out to a superior to file a complaint about the BEST bus driver.
Another shocking video depicted a BEST bus stopped in the middle of the road, where the bus driver exited, purchased a bottle of liquor from the adjacent wine shop, and then resumed driving the bus while passengers were visible inside.
Ongoing Investigation Of Kurla Bus Accident
These videos are surfacing just days after the dreadful accident in Kurla on SG Barve Road, where a BEST bus crashed into a crowded market. The accident that took place on Monday evening led to seven deaths and caused injuries to multiple individuals. The bus collided with several cars and ran over individuals in its way, leading to immense destruction and sorrow.
Early reports regarding the Kurla incident indicate that the driver, named Sanjay More, 54, might have been under the influence at the time of the accident, based on an IANS report.
Accounts from witnesses have also sparked doubts about alcohol influence. Nonetheless, inquiries continue to ascertain the precise reason for the disaster, as officials examine possible brake malfunction and human error.
Sanjay More, the driver of the bus leased from the Kurla Bus Depot, was apprehended and charged with offenses including culpable homicide not amounting to murder. He appeared in court on Tuesday, where he was placed in police custody until December 21.