MUMBAI — The Indian stock market again opened in the red on Friday amid growing geopolitical tensions between Iran and Israel and weak global cues. In early trade, selling was seen in the Information Technology (IT), auto, pharma and Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) bank sectors. The Sensex was trading at 80,752.18 after slipping 254.43 points or 0.31 per cent. At the same time, the Nifty opened trading at 24,675.30 after falling 74.55 points or 0.3 per cent. The market trend remained negative. On the NSE, 283 stocks were trading in the green, while 1,941 stocks were trading in the red. At the same time, 588 stocks were trading in green and 2,166 stocks were trading in red on the BSE. Nifty Bank was at 51,055.00 after falling 233.80 points or 0.46 per cent. Nifty Midcap 100 index was trading at 57, 636.95 level after falling 829 points or 1.42 per cent. At the same time, Nifty Smallcap 100 index was at 18,673.75 after falling 392.20 points or 2.06 per cent. Wipro, Axis Bank and TCS were the top gainers in the Nifty pack. Bajaj Auto, Titan Company, Infosys, Maruti Suzuki and Shri Ram Finance were the top losers. In Asian...