DIMAPUR — The NSCN (IM) has condemned the incident on July 26 night, wherein a young Naga lady along with her six friends were physically assaulted with arms, allegedly by some members belonging to Imphal valley-based organisation UNLF (Pambei) group, at The Ocean Lounge, Khuman Lampak, Imphal. Terming it has “unfortunate and shocking”, the NSCN/GPRN, in a press release, said that the act of violence committed against the innocent civilians is not acceptable. “The way the unruly members of UNLF (Pambei) attacked a young Naga lady, who was verbally abused, mishandled and followed by physical molestation and even brandishing fire arms and beating up severely to the other six friends who came to rescue her is highly condemnable,” it stated. ‘Isn’t it a crime to assault, molest and outrage the modesty of a woman?’ it asked, while stating that that “UNLF (Pambei) authority must keep a tight rein on such elements within the group if at all justice is to be done”. Also read: Forum for Naga Reconciliation pleads for end to infighting within Naga community