NEW DELHI — Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Tuesday launched a mobile application for seamless and hassle-free registration of birth and death at the click of a button. The Civil Registration System (CRS) mobile app, prepared by the Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India, is expected to significantly reduce the time required for the registration of birth and death. “Under PM Shri @narendramodi Ji’s Digital India vision to integrate technology with governance, launched the Civil Registration System mobile application today. This application will make registration of births and deaths seamless and hassle-free by allowing citizens to register at any time, from any place, and in their state’s official language,” Shah wrote on his ‘X’ handle. The Union minister also unveiled a statue of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel here at the office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India, also known as the Janganana Bhawan. The mobile app for birth and death registration was launched and the statue of Patel was unveiled by Shah two days ahead of the birth anniversary of the country’s first home minister. “Sardar Saheb laid the foundation of a strong India by binding the country in the thread of unity. This statue of...