NEW DELHI — Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s unexpected announcement on Sunday that he will resign after two days drew mixed reactions from parties, with some saying it was a compulsion due to bail restrictions on his functioning and others hailing it as a right call to go back to the people. Punjab Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party leader Bhagwant Mann called Kejriwal’s decision “revolutionary” and attributed it to his “honesty and commitment to the people”, but the BJP said he was trying to make a virtue out of necessity and dared him to step down immediately and recommend dissolution of the Delhi Assembly. Also read: Will resign as CM after two days, demand early polls in Delhi: Kejriwal The Congress took a nuanced stand as its Delhi unit president Devender Yadav termed it as a “political drama” and said that Kejriwal should have tendered his resignation six months ago, while party Rajya Sabha MP Vivek Tankha said Kejriwal wants to increase his credibility and take the fight against the BJP and Prime Minister Narendra Modi out on the roads. Social activist Anna Hazare, who was Kejriwal’s mentor during their anti-corruption agitation, said he told the AAP chief since...