Ograbraj, Jan 19: On the night of 16th January 2025, an alarming incident took place during a night patrolling operation in Port Mout, Brindaban RF - Block-1, Caddlegunj, when a team of forest officials, apprehended individuals engaged in illegal sawing down of a Padauk tree.
During the operation, one of the offenders, identified as Deepak Singh (known as Shilbu) attempted to resist arrest by wielding a machete which resulted in an injury to one of the forest workers. As the situation escalated Shilbu's brother Ghan Shyam Singh (known as Deepu), who was armed with a machete arrived on the scene and verbally threatened the forest officials to kill them and demanded the release of his brother. In the ensuing chaos, the offenders managed to escape under the cover of darkness, taking advantage of the night hours.