Davos | Mumbai: TVS Motor Co expects EVs to account for about 30% of its volumes in two years, managing director Sudarshan Venu told ET on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos."In two years, we believe that 25-30% of our volumes will be electric," Venu said Wednesday, even as sales of the company's petrol-fuelled motorcycles and scooters continue to grow at a fast clip.At present, electric scooters make up 6% of TVS Motor's domestic two-wheeler production. Riding high on the success of its iQube brand of electric scooters, which helped it take the pole position in the domestic electric two-wheeler market in the first two weeks of January, the company is now charting the next course in its electric mobility journey.Since its entry into the electric two-wheeler market, TVS has dispatched over 496,000 units of iQube to dealers.Last week at the Bharat Mobility Global Expo in New Delhi, TVS Motor and Hyundai Motor Company unveiled concept models of advanced electric three-wheelers and micro four-wheelers."There is a huge opportunity to create a range of products designed by Hyundai and crafted in India by TVS, which caters to the new needs of micro-mobility in an aspirational and sustainable way," said Venu. Hyundai will be the company's exclusive partner for the micro mobility segment, he said.At the auto show, the company also showcased the concept of its upcoming range of e-scooters under the iQube brand and motorcycles. The Hosur-based two- and three-wheeler maker also announced its entry into the electric three- wheeler (passenger carrier) market, where rivals Mahindra & Mahindra and Bajaj Auto have a head-start. It also showed an electric bicycle.Venu said the EV industry is growing fast."The government has been very proactive in providing many sources of support in terms of the PLI (production-linked incentive) scheme FAME, and now the PM E-Drive scheme," Venu said. "Many states have also provided support in terms of local benefits."