Shares of Bartronics India rallied 2.5% to an intraday high of Rs 22.96 on the BSE after the company informed that its promoter Kinex India is set to sell off nearly 1.92 crore shares of the company, representing a 6.29% stake, via an offer for sale (OFS).“M/s. Kinex India Private Limited (Formerly known as Antanium India Private Limited) ('Seller'), Promoter of Bartronics India Limited (the "Company"), proposes to sell 1,91,57,519 equity shares of face value of Rs.1/- each representing 6.29% of the share capital of the Company (hereinafter referred to as 'Sale Shares') January 14, 2025 ('T Day') (for Non-Retail Investors) and January 15, 2025 ('T + 1 Day') (for Retails Investors as well as for Non-Retail Investors, who choose to carry forward their un-allotted bids from T day) through a sale on the separate window provided by National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE) and BSE Limited (BSE),” the company informed via a filing to the exchanges.Bartronics informed that the OFS is being undertaken by the Kinex for achieving the minimum public shareholding in the company.For the OFS, only the non-retail investors (institutional investors, high-net-worth individuals, etc.) can place bids on T Day, i.e., January 14, while the retail investors can place new bids on T+1 Day, i.e., January 15.Additionally, the non-retail investors who carried forward their bids from T Day have the option to revise those bids on T+1 Day. This means they can change the quantity of shares they want or the price they are willing to pay.Also read: HCL Tech stock in focus after the Q3 results. Should you buy, sell or hold?Bartronics India share price historyThe shares of Bartronics India have given whopping returns of 421% in the last 2 years, while increasing by 8.7% in the last one year. The same have surged by 9.4% in the last 6 months.Bartronics India shares closed 3.8% higher at Rs 22.40 on the BSE on Monday.(Disclaimer: Recommendations, suggestions, views and opinions given by the experts are their own. These do not represent the views of The Economic Times)