Bandhan Bank said that its advances grew 15% year-on-year to Rs 1.33 lakh crore at the end of December even as its loan recovery took a hit across asset classes.The overall collection efficiency declined to 97.6% for the December quarter from 98.2% seen in the preceding period. The same parameter for the microfinance loans fell to 97.4% from 98.1%, while it stood 98.3% against 98.7% for other loans.Bandhan Bank's deposits grew 20% year-on-year to Rs 141 lakh crore. The bank's outstanding deposit pile however shrunk 1.1% in the last three months from Rs 1.43 lakh crore seen at the end of September. This was led by a 5.4% shrinkage in current and savings account (CASA) deposits and 3.7% fall in bulk deposits, according to the data submitted by the bank to the stock exchanges.Its CASA ratio to total deposits dipped to 31.7% from 36.1% a year back, as savers moved their saving deposits to fixed deposits in search of higher returns.