The Chhattisgarh government received investment proposals worth Rs 6,000 crore in sectors such as plastic, textile, information technology, and food processing at an investor connect meet here on Thursday. The highest amount of investment proposal of Rs 2,367 crore came from Ambuja Cement, the state government said in a statement. At the meet, Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai also held discussions with US Consul General Mike Hankey and Consul General of Russia Ivan Y Fetisov on investment possibilities in the state in sectors like health, education, IT and tourism. "In the second leg of the investment meet in Mumbai, Chhattisgarh has attracted Rs 6,000 crore investment through various industrial proposals by leading companies focusing on plastic, textile, IT, food processing sectors," it said. According to the chief minister, since the launch of the state's new industrial policy, Chhattisgarh has received proposals worth Rs 1 lakh crore through these meets, organized in .