Tamil Nadu Finance Minister Thangam Thennarasu on Sunday criticised the Centre for not releasing sufficient funds to the state despite the government's prudent management of its finances.
He also claimed that the state's borrowings are within the limits prescribed by the Finance Commission.
Minister for Finance and Environment & Climate Change said the comments made by AIADMK General Secretary Edappadi K Palaniswami that the state finances are in the doldrums were wrong, and added that the opposition party leader should not make such comments in a public forum.
"The 15th Finance Commission in 2021-22 prescribed the borrowing limit to 28 per cent but our borrowings were at 27.01 per cent and again in 2022-23, the Finance Commission prescribed 29.3 per cent but our borrowings were at 26.87 per cent, below the limit prescribed by the Commission," Thennarasu told reporters here.
"Similarly for the year 2024-25, that is last year, the Finance Commission fixed the borrowings limit to ...