Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday said as part of National Green Hydrogen Mission, the country is aiming to produce 5 million tons of green hydrogen by 2030. After virtually laying the foundation stone and launching projects worth over Rs 2 lakh crore here, Modi said two green hydrogen hubs will be set up in the country out of which one will come up here. "The country launched the National Green Hydrogen Mission in 2023. Our aim is to make 5 million metric tons of green hydrogen production (annually) by 2030. As a first step, two green hydrogen hubs will be set up, out of which one is in Visakhapatnam," he said. He further said as part of "Swarnandhra Pradesh", by 2047, Andhra Pradesh is aiming to become approximately a USD 2.5 trillion economy and the Center will work with the southern state in realizing that vision. Describing the state as a "land of possibilities and opportunities", Modi said the time has come for it to become a centre of new futuristic ...